
Oct 31, 2008

Kumho example of cutting-edge technology: Tire wear-born

Kumho uses cutting-edge technology to grow ESCOT uniform design theory, the tires will be traveling to maximize performance. Chi-resistant special, carefully developed by Kumho Tire wear-born Heng Kong.

Characteristics of the pattern

1, the direction of travel of four straight groove pattern design

Can greatly improve the drainage of tire performance, and can effectively prevent slipping wetlands, to ensure the safety of driving rain.

2, the central milk linear pattern tread groove design to ensure that the wetlands in the road when a high-speed stability and drainage performance.

3, fetal position shoulder block pattern design

Shoulder in the fetal position in the order of the area and rigidity of the uniform pattern pieces so that the ground tires to maximize the area to increase tire grip of turning a corner. Allows you to easily control the experience of driving pleasure.

4, the best block pattern design

Block pattern by adjusting the stiffness to improve wear resistance and reduce noise.

5, a small trench and the density of arrangement

The design and to maximize the braking force between the road and driving force.

Structural characteristics:

1. Europe and the United States used special materials to enhance the driving force and automatic, especially driving rain tires to ensure security.

2. Flexible application of high-level and seamless steel wire cord, to ensure that a high-speed stability.

3. Kumho use ESCOT of-the-art technology, the best distribution side of the tire cord tension greatly enhance the maneuverability and comfort.

4. Triangular plastic parts using a special super-hard filler, and the special structure and enhance its performance and high-speed turning a corner of lateral grip.

5, the structure and use of special materials to enhance the carrying capacity of the tire and the road to the maximum absorption of vibration.

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