
Oct 31, 2008

Chinese rubber industry analysis and investment consulting report

Rubber industry is a long history of 160 years of traditional industries, which refers to the processing of rubber or rubber processing for the service of occupational characteristics of the industry categories. Therefore, the rubber industry is a huge system.

Rubber industry of the national economy is an important foundation for one of the industry. It is not only for the daily lives of people with essential daily-use, light industry, such as medical rubber products, but also to the mining, transport, construction, machinery, electronics, heavy industries and new industries to provide a variety of rubber or rubber-production equipment components. Shows that the rubber products industry and a large variety of industries to the very broad.

In recent years, many of the development of rubber industry, the industry has been steadily broken down, the new breakdown of the rubber industry is developing rapidly, but at the same time, the rubber industry, there still exist the environment, resources, disasters, innovation.

2001 World rubber consumption fell 4.2 percent. In 2002 the total global rubber demand of about 18,000,000 tons, only 2.4 percent growth in 2001. In 2003 and 2004, the Synthetic and natural rubber demand growth similar. 2003 synthetic rubber consumption in China reached 2,155,000 tons, the United States began more than 1,924,000 tons and 1,111,000 tons in Japan, the world's largest consumer of synthetic rubber.

In 2004 the global rubber consumption was 20,020,000 tons, of which 59% for synthetic rubber, 41 percent for natural rubber. 2005 World natural rubber production rose 4.8%, 2006 growth will slow to 1.6%. Malaysia's NR output growth will be higher than Indonesia and Thailand, while the rest of Asia, Africa and Latin America's growth will be relatively slow. 2007 World synthetic rubber production growth will slow to 3.0% to 2.5%, the European growth will slow down, and the Asia-Pacific region will become the engine of growth in output.

By 2020, world natural rubber consumption expected to reach 10,000,000 tons or so, Synthetic consumption reached 16,000,000 tons or so. Among them, Chinese consumption of natural rubber in more than 2,500,000 tons, Synthetic spending more than 5,000,000 tons.

During the Tenth Five-Year Development of China's rubber relatively smooth, and used rubber and synthetic rubber industry developed by leaps and bounds, the two sub-sectors is expected to remain broad prospects and the concept of green rubber will be the dominant ideology.

Rubber industry characteristics such as the decision of a country's rubber industry matured, the industry's state of the economy and the economy as a whole operation will maintain a very strong correlation: its development cycle and the length of the country's considerable length of the economic cycle, The trend in the same direction; However, due to rubber-based industries belonging to the industry, it's early in the cycle changes in the Chamber of the economic cycle. In addition, the same rubber industry in the national economy as a result of the production chain of front-end, the amplitude of the fluctuations in the cycle to be less than at the end of the industrial chain of the industry's volatility, and volatility is less than the economy as a whole. As a result, industrial investment from the point of view, mature rubber industry closer to the investment income the industry.

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