
Nov 1, 2008

Canada to develop synthetic rubber roofing materials, plastic

Canadian company to produce a new type of roofing materials, the production of raw materials from waste rubber products and polymers. The technology created a new chapter in the roofing materials.

This synthetic rubber roofing materials, plastic has many outstanding features: light. Standard and asphalt roofing felt the weight of a considerable, but more than concrete and slate roofing tile to be much lighter weight. When the installation is no longer needed additional support; durable. 100 years of life, far exceeding the highest industry standards. Manufacturers to provide products for 50 years, the quality assurance; environment-friendly. Products from waste materials such as rubber polymers, and they can also carry out roofing materials recycling; easy to install. Do not need special tools and equipment, with standard 1-1/2 "roofing nails can be; good weatherability. Have a good anti-ultraviolet radiation and frost-resistant properties; excellent waterproof. Totally immersed in water 72 hours after that will not absorb moisture; of fire. Coefficient for the spread of flames 129, the fire rating for the class C; excellent insulation and sound insulation of. Polymers and rubber itself is very good and sound-insulation.

In North America, Canada and the United Kingdom has adopted a number of building such a roofing material, including churches, museums, schools and hospitals. Such as the United States of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

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