
Nov 1, 2008

Russian tire market to high-end products

In recent days, loaded with large tires from the car ports of Heihe on the Russian sent to the port city of Blagoveshchensk barges. According to statistics, in 2007 Russia's tire market, total sales reached 50,000,000, an increase of 15% over the previous year, total sales of 1,000 billion rubles. Russia, which accounts for half of the tire production, in addition to Russia's tire production by 25% of exports. Experts predict that by 2010 Russia's tire market sales volume will be increased to 70,000,000, while sales growth will also be speeding. At the same time, Russia's domestic car market share continue to be imported cars in Russia and imported cars to replace the assembly. This requires a higher quality of the tire, that is, to demand the transfer of high-end products.

First of all, Russia is due to the high-priced tire imports to increase. And import growth ahead of the trend is continuing. Experts predict that by 2010 the Russian market, Asia's share of production will exceed 25%. For high-quality Chinese-made tires enterprise business.

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