
Nov 1, 2008

Rubber asphalt for re-use of discarded tires to provide a new way

Re-use of discarded tires has been a problem, experts said that the asphalt rubber for the reuse of waste tires to provide a new way.

Sweden membership Dr. Zeng Huayang Chinese scientists recently in Chongqing, said that in recent years, developed countries will scrap tire rubber used in the production of asphalt road works materials, discarded tires have become a new way to re-use. He said that the asphalt rubber high-viscosity, elasticity, the roads have increased resistance to fatigue cracks and crack reflection of the ability to have high temperature permanent anti-deformation features, reducing the temperature sensitivity of the improved anti-cracking performance of low-temperature, extended mixed The expected fatigue life, can under certain conditions, thinning the thickness of the road, to reduce the wheel in high-speed rolling road noise and improve road comfort.

Chongqing Municipality in the past two years, a new overpass of St. Paul and the other two highways in the building of the experimental use of rubber asphalt. The city of Chongqing Expressway Development Company Limited, said Hai-Ying Li, deputy general manager, rubber asphalt to pave the way, the effect is very good, which is building environmentally friendly and economical type of highway demonstration project. He said Chongqing Expressway Development Company Limited Chongqing will be combined with the geographical features of the terrain and speed up the pace of application of asphalt rubber, targeted to focus on promoting all-round promotion of rubber or asphalt, such as the use of rubber asphalt water permeability and strong advantages, Applied to its karst geology of the tunnel waterproofing treatment, the tunnel will be able to effectively solve the problem of water seepage.

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