
Oct 31, 2008

Dog urinating, the tires were corrosion

Area owners of private cars, Mr. Wang separated for more than two months to restart the car was found intact in a sudden burst tires, and the "culprit" turned out to be dogs.

Yesterday morning, reporters at the two-tree this area to see the Jetta parked cars, car wheel right after it has collapsed. Mr. Wang said the owner, a regular at this Liuwan neighbor told him that the car's tires is a dog urine corrosion. And because insurance companies do not have special requirements, so the money can only tire themselves by Mr. Wang.

Beijing century edge, a pet hospital doctor said that because of the dog's urine contains a lot of acidic material, and more dog meat, the urine more acidic content. "This kind of liquid water in the tires, wheels, it will be easy to make it corrosion rust, or as a direct result of tire." Doctor said the best use of wood to block the tires.

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