
Oct 31, 2008

Fly-rubber reinforcing agent (XRF)

Fly isolated glass beads to fill polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can improve performance and reduce costs. But the fly in the application of rubber in the less, particularly in the non-reinforced rubber of the application or blank. Beijing University of Chemical Technology-to-date development of a fly to the main material for a new type of rubber reinforcing agent (XR F) in Beijing Plant production of rubber products in the application. After a large number of experiments have proved that a new type of rubber reinforcing agent (XRF) in natural rubber, synthetic rubber (SBR, NBR, EPDM, neoprene, and so on) in the full application performance to reach the semi-equal alternative to fill The strong level of carbon (carbon black reinforcement and a half years, the country's consumption of 4 00,000 tons). The technology not only to resolve a large number of fly ash piled up the environmental pollution and conservation of resources made a significant contribution.

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