
Oct 31, 2008

Lead-free ether-rubber

ECH (homopolymer) and ECH / EO (blend) Class-ether elastomer polymer is completely saturated, most of the traditional rubber curing agent does not apply to them. These elastomers since its inception in 1960 has been the use of lead in the activation of ethylene thiourea (ETU) curing agent, but often is not the only using Pb. O. (Red lead oxide). While this curing agent is often recognized as such is the standard elastomer curing agent, but after many years of practical application of people come to realize that the use of the dangers of curing agent, in particular, the toxicity of lead carcinogenicity ETU and the letter and Teratogenic, and found the steam in the curing of the products are lead-Blooming, in the molding operation will have an excessive amount of dirt. The latter is that the curing process due to the complex and sub-ethyl lead thiourea in the mold surface caused by deposition. Lead and lead material has become one of the major environmental pollution in the United States, the current limit of lead analysis of the environmental protection laws and regulations has increased the glue from the rubber compound to the total eradication of the use of lead-based materials to the mandatory provisions, and will lead to precipitation of materials Classified as hazardous waste, which would have provided for the use of lead-ETU curing agent manufacturers in trouble. 5mg / 1 lead precipitation limit the amount of mandatory requirements means that the ECO rubber compound to allow the use of lead will not be enough to form an effective and reliable curing agent. In Europe, car manufacturers have to provide lead-free parts of the provisions of the period. The latest EU regulations have been provided for, from July 2003 1 El in all new cars and trucks in the prohibition of the use of lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium (VI) of the material. Now there are some exceptions and exemptions, but the above-mentioned period, all to avoid the use of lead will be the local enforcement of these laws and regulations. The United States and European car manufacturers are also active in accordance with government regulations and self-regulation to prohibit and restrict the use of lead.

These problems forced us to look at the ECO flexibility in the use of lead-activated curing agent. One of the Zisnet F-PT curing agent (TCY) has been used in the production of a large number of motor vehicles to meet standards and other regulatory requirements of the new rubber. This chemical is a surface treatment agent in 1978 launched a wide range of 2, 4, 6 13 13 SH-1, 3, 5-triazine, three-isothiocyanate (TCY) and three SH-triazine symmetry. TCY typical of rubber vulcanized to the use of calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide as the active agent (absorption acid) in place of lead materials. Available Diphenyl guanidine (DPG) and 3-methyl-a--2 - thione as a promoter and the use of derivatives, or p-N-cyclohexyl-N-S phthalocyanine as a curing agent delay.

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